
A letter to my “little me”

A letter to my “little me”

Dear little me,

By now, you’re starting secondary school and I know, you’re scary. At your previous school, you were surrounded by your closest friends, and you felt safe. But I know that you’re feeling lost because you don’t know anyone in this new place.

Your first year is gonna be tough. You won’t let people get to know you so well, and you won’t let yourself live new things. You won’t have a lot of friends, but you will start to see the ones that are worth your loyalty.

The next years will be better. You’ll start to open yourself up to others, and you’ll allow yourself to lead the life of a normal teenager. Despite this, you will still be very afraid. Fear of expressing yourself, fear of saying what you want and what you don’t, fear of making mistakes.

Those fears won’t let you have some good experiences, and even though you won’t regret it in the future, it’ll make a big difference in what you’ll become.

Your years at secondary school will be important to bond with your friends, and to see which friendship are true. At the time you start high school, you will have the friends for your life by your side.

High school will be the best memory you’ll have for a long time. Those three years are gonna be tough, but you will live them at their most.

+Read more: We all deserve love

You’ll feel lonely at some times, and lost at most of them, but bye the end of the day, you’ll have someone to watch your back.

Unfortunatelly, you’ll lose some friends. Some of them you’ll see that they’re not compatible with you anymore, others will take different paths, and a part of them, you’ll be sad to not have them by your side, but over time, everything will be fine.

Some moments will be hard, you’ll cry and most of the times you’ll hide yourself so others won’t see you cry. You’ll think that everthing is lost, and that you won’t make yourself and your family proud.

And you know what? Allow yourself to cry and to feel. Do not try to show you’re a hard and a heartless person, and that you can handle anything and everything!

You’ll have a good life, and a lot will change without you noticing it. Those friends you met at school, will be your best friends and they will support through a lot of things. You’ll live happy and sad moments together.

And about your professional life? Don’t lost nights of sleep crying and feeling sorry about yourself. You’l change your mind a lot of times, but deep inside you already know what you wanna do. Follow your heart!!!

But the most important thing I want to tell you is: believe in yourself! Don’t think fo a moment that you’re not worthy. You are, and you deserve to be happy. Oh, and don’t be afraid to fail, because you’ll make a lot of mistakes through your life, and it’s ok! You’ll learn from them.

With love,


This text was inspired by my video “A letter to my future ‘me’“.

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